Monday, 27 June 2016

My Creations

Hi friends.... I welcome you all to my new post...
     This post is all about my new creations that I'll be creating to decorate my house... They are all made by recyclable materials and can be done easily.... I hope everyone would like this.. If any suggestions please don't hesitate to leave your comments....

  • A bulb to its wonders
 Many of us threw away the bulb that has been fused. But there's a there's a great idea of using these bulbs that could be changed to wonders... Here's one for you...

Cute little flower vase that can be hanged 
Just a few steps taken with care and you can make this by your own.
  1. Take a fuse bulb

     2. Remove the inner filament carefully

     3. Clean the inner side of the bulb using a tissue paper

      4. Pour water into the bulb and place beautiful flowers into it. And you can use it as your favorite flower vase.

I hope this blog is helpful to you in making changes with the things you have at home.
To be continued with more beautiful ideas.... !

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